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Found 2 results

  1. Sembrano due navi diversi, ma è una sola nave: MOBY DADA, in bacino a Messina ... ... era colorata già prima di arrivare.
  2. Il traghetto GIRAGLIA della Moby S.p.A. si è incagliato a Santa Teresa di Gallura alle 20:20 di lunedì 11 aprile durante la manovra di uscita dal porto, era diretto a Bonifacio con 67 passeggeri a bordo. E’ stato disincagliato la sera del 12 aprile e ora sta navigando in direzione del continente. Ferry grounded off Sardinia The "Giraglia" ran aground on rocks at the coast of Santa Teresa Gallura at the northernmost tip of Sardinia at 10.20 p.m. on Apr 11, 2016. The ferry was berthed in Santa Teresa di Gallura Port after having been refloated by two tugs of the Vincenzo Onorato company from Porto Torres which had arrived in the afternoon. She had got stuck during the turning manoever shortly after leaving Santa Teresa Gallura with 84 people on board headed to Bonifacio. While reversing, a technical failure caused the ship to run aground with the stern. The passengers and crew, including tourists from Spain, Germany and France as well as a group of students of a school from Bosa, in the province of Oristano, were unhurt. 67 passengers were evacuated over the bow ramp onto the patrol boat “CP 306” of the Italian Coastguard. Also the “CP 870” assisted, both boats having been dispatched from the La Maddalena station. The passengers were subsequently landed in the port of Gallura, all in good health, while two passengers, the truck drivers on board, remained on the ferry to work with the 12 crew members for a possible handling of vehicles. As a replacement vessel the ferry "Bastia" was sent and all the passengers rebooked by the ship's company. In the port the propellers and hull of the ferry were surveyed by divers. The Coast Guard of La Maddalena was carrying out initial investigations into the cause of the accident. Italian reports with photos and videos: http://www.unionesarda.it/articolo/cronaca/2016/04/11/traghetto_moby_si_incaglia_al_largo_di_santa_teresa_a_bordo_69_pe-68-486799.html http://www.lanazione.it/livorno/traghetto-moby-incagliato-1.2053674
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