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Book on Clandestine Operations from Malta (1940-1943)

Platon Alexiades

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A book about special operations (from the air and by submarines) from Malta was just published by Wise Owl in Malta. Frederick Galea had asked me to contribute the operations carried out by submarines as well as the role of the French Resistance in Tunisia. I had covered some of the latter in an article published in the AIDMEN Bollettino a couple of years ago which was translated by our dear departed Francesco de Domenico.

Franco Mattesini has mentioned in a post today his article on operation MINCEMEAT. Readers might be interested on another side of operation MINCEMEAT which was actually carried out in Sicily but this time the deception came from the Sezione Bonsignore of the Italian Secret Service.



Book cover.jpg



Edited by Platon Alexiades
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