Francesco De Domenico Posted July 29, 2015 Report Share Posted July 29, 2015 Ricevo da Jean-Pierre, che si trova attualmente a Tabarka. sandokan 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naumachos Posted July 30, 2015 Report Share Posted July 30, 2015 Molto interessante,mi puoi dire di più in merito a questa persona? Se opera con sonar in quei posti sicuro è ben introdotto, sto cercando un francese che ev possa essere interessato ad una ricerca in Corsica. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Francesco De Domenico Posted July 30, 2015 Author Report Share Posted July 30, 2015 Molto interessante,mi puoi dire di più in merito a questa persona ? Se opera con sonar in quei posti sicuro è ben introdotto,sto cercando un francese che ev possa essere interessato ad una ricerca in Corsica. Jean-Pierre è belga, over 70, single, amico di Platon dai tempi di Alessandria d'Egitto (anni '50) e ora anche amico mio. Starà a Tabarka per tutta l'estate, credo. sandokan 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naumachos Posted July 30, 2015 Report Share Posted July 30, 2015 Grazie Francesco,al momento giusto ti chiederò un contatto. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Francesco De Domenico Posted July 31, 2015 Author Report Share Posted July 31, 2015 (edited) Su istruzioni dell'amministratore, cerco di emendarmi dai miei errori ...Ricevo da JEAN-PIERRE MISSON la seguente missiva:"For information only.With reference to an earlier e-mail hinting at the possibility of the destroyer HMS Quentin being among the many wrecks off Tabarka I hereby confirm this with the following evidence provided by the sonar image July 26 , 2015. Additionally to the matching exercise provided in an earlier e-mail here are two more details highlighted on the attached "HMS QUENTIN Mast and Gun"Note # 1 GUN The vintage picture of HMS Quentin shows that (when not in use) the foreward-most rear gun was locked in position with its barrel pointing towards the front of the ship. The sonar image shows that the shadow of the barrel is in this very position.Note # 2 MAST The vintage picture of HMS Quentin shows the tripod Mast . The sonar image shows (faint trace) the rear leg of this Mast.HMS QUENTIN is resting in position 37° 04' 43" N 8° 52' 33,5" E; Depth : 70 m+. The wreck has not yet been dived.For the events that led to her sinking see : Wikipedia / U and, quote: HMAS Quiberon circled HMS Quentin once, then signalled for information as to whether the ship could steam. Reply was ship could not steam but would remain afloat for a little time. Unquote.This was wintertime (predominantly N.W. wind): HMS Quentin must have remained afloat for some time to drift from the position where she was first attacked to the position where she was found with the sonar search on July 26 , 2015". Seguono 3 allegati: Edited January 4, 2016 by Giuseppe Garufi Correzione testo Long John Silver and sandokan 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corto Maltese Posted August 13, 2015 Report Share Posted August 13, 2015 Grazie al Presidente, che sta pazientemente facendo da tramite con la Tunisia, siamo in grado di fornire nuovi aggiornamenti in merito alle ricerche condotte dall'amico Jean Pierre Misson sul relitto dell'HMS Quentin. Consentitemi di ringraziare entrambi per queste interessanti (e inedite) informazioni: "To whom it may concern This is to confirm that the wreck of HMS Quentin has been located off the tunisian coast, in position 37° 04' 44" N. 8° 52' 33" E. The location of the wreck has been obtained from a sidescan sonar search and recording conducted on july 26, 2015 and the subsequent identification has been achieved on july 28. The sonar equipment used was starfish 450, from Tritech, Aberdeen. The observations that lead to the confirmation that the sonar image is that of the wreck of HMS Quentin are summarised as follows. HMS Quentin suffered her first attack from the air south of the island of La Galite. The event took place in december in heavy weather . At this time of the year the wind is predominantly from n.w. and the vessel that could not sail remained afloat: she therefore drifted s.e. For the events prior to the sinking of HMS Quentin see: Wikipedia/ History.Net and: . The vessel must have remained afloat for quite some time as she was subject to a second wave of bombing. The wreck has been found 3 n.m. from the tunisian shore, roughly s.e. of the point where she was first attacked. The seafloor at this place is at circa -70 M, 210'. The vessel is on an even keel, practically no listing. Diving the wreck is being planned to provide photographic/video evidence. Even without a visual or photographic inspection of the wreck I hereby state categorically that the wreck is that of HMS Quentin for the following reasons:The sonar image of the wreck strictly matches the vintage pictures we have of HMS Quentin when she was afloat;Although the bows seem badly damaged, the forecastle, the mast, the funnel and the rear guns are clearly identifiable on the sonar image;In particular the rear leg of the tripod mast is visible on the sonar snapshot;The most decisive evidence is the position of the forward-most rear gun which was locked in a forward-oriented position when not in use. This is clearly seen on the vintage pictures and shows up on the sonar image too.The combination of data found in records with a correlation between old pictures of the ship and the sonar image of her wreck eliminates any doubt: on december 2, 1942 , HMS Quentin came to rest on the bottom of the sea in position 37° 04' 44" N. - 8° 52' 33" E.Jean Pierre Misson - Tabarka, Tunisia. August 4, 2015". Attachments: pictures of HMS Quentin and sonar images of the wreck: HMS Quentin: HMS Quentin Google position: Sonar Images: "For information only.Additionally to the bows that have practically disappeared: there seems to have been some damage to the hull, Rear, Port side. The shiny spots along the side would indicate that the metal has been torn out (as they only glow because they are closer to the sonar transducer head than the rest of the hull surface). The reports about the attacks on HMS Quentin all confirm some hit on the Port side. If the metal has been blown "out" this could be the result of a bomb piercing thedeck and exploding "inside" of the vessel. It has not yet been ascertained that the area where HMS Quentin has been found was already laid with german naval mines on December 2, 1942, the day she sank. If this was the case, then there would be yet another possible cause for her sinking. Due to the difficulty for divers to operate at -70 m ... this matter could be investigated more comfortably with a camera-equipped ROV". Attachment: Close up sonar image of the undamaged part of the destroyer. The image is sufficiently clear: this wreck is HMS Quentin: sandokan 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corto Maltese Posted August 13, 2015 Report Share Posted August 13, 2015 Ma le ricerche di Jean Pierre Misson non si sono arrestate all'HMS Quentin: "For information only. A recent sonar search off Tabarka has revealed one more wreck of a submarine. This one is resting on her Port side. The gun is identifiable. The starboard side of the hull seems a little concave. The deck shows a few bollards and the outline of two hatches. Again (as with most of the wrecks in this area) the bows seem to have been severely damaged (this was a german-laid naval minefield 1942-1943). The hydroplanes are not showing. As mentioned at the time of discussing the sonar image of HMS Urge, the sonar transducer only displays the closest portion of the target: in this case the top layer of the Casing. The attached drawings of British submarines shows that the sonar image only fits the U Class type of Casing: very short and not extending all the way to the stern. The casings of T and S Class covered more of the pressure hull than on U Class and do not match the sonar image. As for submarines of other nationalities, their casings covered the entire pressure hull and this wreck cannot be other than British. The difficulty lies with the depth: in the 70+ m range...Given the beam of a U Class submarine (4.9 m) and allowing for some sinking in the sand (more likely the MUD): the portion of the wreck, nearest to the surface, will be deeper than - 65 m. Two other submarines have been similarly sonar-located from a search October 2014. The preparation to dive in that area and at these depths will require some time. Jean Pierre Misson - Tabarka, Tunisia. August 10, 2015". Attachments: Wreck Zone: British Submarines' casings: HMS Urge from sonar head: Sonar Images: "For information only. Not to scale (software control not to reality) but one can see that the casing behind the fin is short: the hull ("uncased" pressure hull) is not showing. The vessel is much longer but the sonar gives the impression it is a short thing because it only shows what is nearest to the sonar head: the topside of the Casing. This is a U Class submarine! The candidates are many: USK , UNDAUNTED , UNION , P 48 , UPHOLDER , P 38 , UTMOST , P 33...Except for the "unnamed" P units, the names should be found on the sides of the Conning Tower, near the top. The challenge to scuba divers might be unsurmountable, because of the depth: 70+ m....Jean Pierre Misson - Tabarka, Tunisia. August 13, 2015" Segue..."For information only.A tentative identification exercise. The sonar image of this submarine shows that the bows have been severely damaged. Assuming this is due to hitting a naval mine , an attempt to identity the vessel can be started: It has been established (earlier e-mails on the subject) that the short After Casing showing on the sonar image can only correspond to a U Class British submarine. The U Class submarines that have been lost in this part of the Mediterranean are: HMS USK Lost HMS UNDAUNTED Lost HMS UNION Lost HMS P48 Lost circa 25 Dec. 1942 HMS UPHOLDER Lost HMS P38 Lost HMS UTMOST Lost HMS P33 LostWith the Operation Torch having been conducted in November 1942 along the Algerian coastline the Germans immediately reacted with naval mines laid along the Tunisian coast and as far West as possible. This was to protect the evacuation of the Afrika Korps (retreating from Libya). The mine-laying operations by the German (MTB) 3 S. Flotilla out of Bizerte started on December 16, 1942. Over 400 naval mines were laid, off the nothern Tunisian coast. One of these minefields is in position 37° 04' 50" N. - 8° 52' 25" E. As revealed by sonar searches in September/October 2014 and in July 2015 off Tabarka. The town of Tabarka is only a few miles from the Algerian border. Additionally to the many wrecks, the sonar images show a great number of steel Cables, Chains and Anchor Blocks that kept the mines in position. The average depth of the seafloor is -70 m. The U Class submarine found off Tabarka must have been lost after December 16,1942. Of all the above listed U Class submarines only one has been lost past this date: this is P 48, reported lost around December 25, 1942. P 48 is among the few submarines that were given a Pennant Number but no name. Therefore, should the wreck show no name (in raised letters) on the sides of the Conning Tower and since it would be unreasonable to expect finding a painted Pennant Number, it will be acceptable to presume this wreck is HMS P 48. From "Beneath the Waves" , A.S. Evans:"Lieutenant Michael Faber put to sea from Malta on 21 December for his third patrol. His billet was the approaches to Tunis . On 31 December Faber was ordered to report his position. Nothing had been heard from P 48 for more than a week. There was no reply and P 48 failed to arrive at Malta on 5 January 1943".All assumptions as to how and where P 48 might have been lost must be put aside until we find out the identity of all the submarine wrecks off Tabarka, particularly this U Class unit which has been sonar-located on July 26, 2015. Given the depth, diving the U Class wreck will require some time to prepare. Jean Pierre Misson - Tabarka, Tunisia. August 13, 2015". Francesco De Domenico and sandokan 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corto Maltese Posted August 14, 2015 Report Share Posted August 14, 2015 (edited) Le ultime news ricevute da Jean Pierre: "This is extra-ordinary... I think I just got the real picture of the U Class sub, off Tabarka. Quite unexpected, though... Only a few minutes ago I percieved a litlle doubt about the dark oval surface on the sonar image and thought: that is not normal, there is something wrong, here! If you remember the sonar image of HMS URGE: there was no dark area where the C.T. is standing (Attachment 1). The CT of the Tabarka sub should not be dark: it should be as bright and as coloured as the casing... Why then would there be this oval shaped black hole on the sonar image??? The answer is: The C.T. has been ripped off, just like when a tin can is opened and the top is flipped over. This is rather difficult to conceive but this (I think) is the real situation: the black oval surface is a hole inside which is the Control Room. Just above the oval hole and slightly to the right: there sits part of the C.T. and we can see its oval rim (Probably the BOTTOM rim, the junction with the Pressure Hull). Within the oval rim, something rectangular: the equipment that was inside the CT? The meaning of the black oval patch on the sonar image: a HOLE (of course !). I initially missed the point as I never thought a CT could be blown off this way... I believe I have corrected my analysis just in time before receiving a blame? What a blow she must have suffered to rip off her CT!!! Mind you: a mine exploding at the bows of a submarine where the Torpedo Tubes are located (and loaded) would probably (if not certainly) trigger off some of the Torpedo complement. This inside blast would surely be powerful enough to blow off (like a cork stop) the weakest part of the structure: the Conning Tower. This is, apparently, what happened to this submarine. To be confirmed when diving the wreck. Unfortunately, the portion of the CT where the name (if any) would be found in raised metal letters might have disappeared. This is on the outside of the CT, near the top, on both sides of the fin. Jean Pierre Misson - Tabarka, Tunisia. August 14, 2015". Attachments: Segue... "For information only.This is the position of each of the three submarines, sonar-identified and GPS-located, to date, off Tabarka, Tunisia. To differentiate the targets, the prefix 1, 2 or 3 is the Sweep Date: 1 is for targets located September 2014;2 is for targets located October 2014;3 is for targets located July 2015;The suffix indicates the position in the series of targets seen during a given sweep. 2F is the 6th target, sonar-identified during Sweep 2. Jean Pierre Misson - Tabarka, Tunisia. August 14, 2015" Attachments: Edited August 14, 2015 by Corto Maltese sandokan 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corto Maltese Posted August 16, 2015 Report Share Posted August 16, 2015 Un nuovo aggiornamento da Tabarka: "Further to earlier messages regarding the short After Casing of this submarine and therefore it being of the U Class type, there is a new element that confirms this: a picture of HMS Ultor (Courtesy D. Hallas, Britsubs) shows one of her bollards in the raised position. The bollards on the deck of submarines could be manually raised from or lowered into their respective recesses in the outer casing. The picture of HMS Ultor shows a bollard protruding from the deck, just behind the hydroplane on the port side. The sonar image of the submarine shows a bollard in precisely this position, next to the hydroplane which is flat-squeezed between the hull and the seafloor. Although it might be argued that submarines of other Classes and other origin (nationality) could have had a bollard in that very position, this detail on this submarine is quite an additional evidence this unit is a sistership of HMS Ultor, hence a U Class submarine. Jean Pierre Misson, Tabarka, Tunisia. August 15, 2015" Attachments: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corto Maltese Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 L'ultimo aggiornamento inoltratoci da Jean Pierre Misson credo non mancherà di solleticare la fantasia della componente sommergibilistica dell'Associazione: "The first two images are of wrecks located from a sonar sweep recording July 26 , 2015. Whereas the first image is of a U Class submarine (see earlier reports) the second image seems to be of a submarine with an Outer Casing covering the entire length of the pressure hull. Slim stucture, circa 60 m long, heavily listed. If confirmed (either by additional sonar images or a video filming with a drop camera) this would bring the total number of wrecks identified as "submarine" to four. The last two pictures are of wrecks identified as submarines from a recording October 2014. This is all in an area of about 800 x 500 m , centred on 37° 04' 50" N - 8° 52' 25" E. Most of the wrecks show damage to their bows as they lie at the bottom of what had been a german naval minefield in 1942-1943. The first image is of the submarine identified as British U Class, because of its short After Casing. The sonar search has not yet covered the whole of the zone . More finds are expected. Jean Pierre Misson, Tabarka, Tunisia. August 16, 2015". Attachments: Long John Silver 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corto Maltese Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 Segue... "This is an attempt to list possible candidates for the submarine wrecks off Tabarka. The area where so many wrecks have been found, including 3 (possibly 4) submarines is indicated on the attached Google picture. The first mine-laying operations by German E boats (out of Bizerte) started on December 16, 1942. It was not uncommon for submarines to hug the shore and this must have been fatal to a few of them, here. By October 1943 the North African coast had been cleared of Axis Forces but probably not (yet) of naval mines. A post war mine-sweeping operation took place at some point in time but the date is not known. The sonar images of the seafloor show an incredible amount of steel cables and chains at regular interval , together with the sinkers that held the mines in position. Some candidates are British: HMS P 222 left GIBRALTAR for a patrol off NAPLES November 30, 1942 and was supposed to relocate at ALGIERS, thereafter. The last message from HMS P222 was received on December 7. She was reported "overdue" on December 21.Additionally to HMS P 48 , also lost in Tunisian waters in December 25, 1942 another candidate is: HMS USURPER, that left ALGIERS on September 1943 for a patrol off LA SPEZIA, Italy. She was afterwards ordered to move to the Gulf of GENOA and no more was heard from her. She failed to return to base at ALGIERS where she was expected to arrive on October 12. Other candidates are Italian submarines that were operating in this area of the Mediterranean. There are a few of them. The first step will be to determine the type and the nationality of the submarine wreck and then, if at all possible, its precise identity. The vessel's name in raised metal letters can be found on each side of the Bow (Italian subs) or on each side of the Conning Tower (British subs). Most of the bows have been blown off by the explosion of the mine: therefore, it might be extremely difficult to find any name on the wrecks of Italian submarines (if any), the more so because of the very limited "bottom time" allowed to scuba divers when operating at -70 m... As a last option, the use of a ROV will have to be considered. Unless the wreck 3 Tango, sonar-identified as Class U, is HMS P 48 (that had no name...) the name of this submarine should be found in raised letters on both sides of the Conning Tower". Attachments: Tabarka wrecks area: Naples - La Spezia - Algiers via Tabarka: HMS P222: HMS Usurper: SUB. 3T JUL. 2015: Merci beaucoup Jean Pierre. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corto Maltese Posted August 23, 2015 Report Share Posted August 23, 2015 Segue... "A correlation exercise , using pictures and drawings against the sonar image. Except for the damaged bows , the matching is correct : This wreck is of a British submarine , U Class. Position : 37° 04' 31" N 8° 52' 34" E Heading : 220° Depth : ca. -70 m Note : 3T stands for "T" target (A-Z series) in the third sonar search (July 2015) . Jean Pierre Misson, Tabarka, Tunisia. August 21, 2015" Casings British Submarines: HMS Ultor: HMS Umpire: HMS Untiring: HMS Urge: SUB 3T Correlation U Class: SUB 2015 A: SUB 2015 B: U Class Plan: U Class Plan with Capstan: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corto Maltese Posted August 23, 2015 Report Share Posted August 23, 2015 "My apologies for the following error: in preceding e-mails I qualified the element (apparently protruding from the casing, next to the Port Hydroplane) as being a Bollard. Being unable to find any bollard in such a position on the drawings and plans ... I have come to the conclusion this protruding element is the ROTULA of the Port Hydroplane. (There must be another technical word for this gear but Rotula is the nearest equivalent I could find). This does not alter my conclusions about this submarine being U Class. Pictures and sonar Images can be tricky at times. Jean Pierre Misson, Tabarka, Tunisia. August 22, 2015" segue... "The final version of the Correlation between the sonar image of submarine wreck 3T (located July 2015) and the drawings for U Class. The earlier version is void. Jean Pierre Misson, Tabarka, Tunisia. August 22, 2015". Attachments: SUB 3T Correlation U Class: U Class plan with Capstan: U Class Capstan and Bollards positions: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corto Maltese Posted August 25, 2015 Report Share Posted August 25, 2015 "These are the sonar images of the three wrecks that can be confirmed as "Submarine". There could be more , with newer , better sonar snapshots of wrecks already sonar located or with totally new wrecks yet to be located (the entire zone has not yet been fully searched). Submarine 3T (last two snapshots) is identified as being British U Class. Jean Pierre Misson, Tabarka, Tunisia. August 24, 2015" Attachments: 2F Sub: 2G Sub: 2F Sub: 3T Sub: Sub 2015 A: Tabarka position Subs: Tabarka Subs on grid: Tabarka wrecks area: Wreck zone (green): Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corto Maltese Posted August 25, 2015 Report Share Posted August 25, 2015 "Tabarka wrecks: the naval mine Pic.1 The area offshore, near Tabarka Tunisia, where many wrecks have been sonar-located;Pic.2 The Chart showing that the seafloor in this area is a plateau rising to only about 70 m from the surface;Pic.3 The type of Schnellboot used by the germans to lay naval mines off the Tunisian coast , 1942-1943;Pic.4 Drawings of a Schnellboot (also called E Boat);Pic.5 German naval mine;Pic.6 British naval mine;Pic.7 Mines on a Schnellboot;Pic.8 Mine being dropped from a Schnellboot;Pic.9 Sequence of deployment of a naval mine, from surface to seafloor. The last three sonar images indicate that all the gear that kept the mines anchored to the seafloor is still there.Sinkers, cables and chains remain in position after a mine-sweeping operation: only the mines are removed.However meticulous a minesweeping operation may be, mines can be found on the seafloor, afterwards. Jean Pierre Misson, Tabarka, Tunisia. August 24, 2015". Naumachos 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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